Wow what an amazing week at the Light House, its first week of serving lunches!
All was quiet at the start of a new week...

...then Tuesday kicked off with the new menu which you can view by
clicking here (then click on your browser's back button to return to the blog) including Susie's Special Soup! The Panini maker also made it's debut...

Wednesday morning saw Brian making the soup (Brian's Broth!) and Maria baking mouthwatering scones... our first "Home Baking"!

...and by Thursday we had the new soup kettle on the go!

Friday was a particularly busy day and here are some of our dynamic staff preparing the lunches, left to right: Sarah, Fiona, Michelle and Susie..

Then Saturday was Valentine's Day with Love Heart biscuits, heart shaped marshmallows on the Hot chocolate and a special valentine's day atmosphere!!

Our deep gratitude to all staff both paid and volunteers who give of their time, energy and sometimes stress levels to this wonderful venture!
Here's leaving you today with a view of a couple of the "Specials" boards..